Should you replace your silver fillings with white fillings?
If you read the health section of the newspapers, you may have come across articles talking about the phasing out of amalgam fillings. Silver and mercury fillings used to be fitted much more commonly than they are now, with more and more people choosing white fillings. If you have a silver filling, you might be thinking that you need to replace your old filling, but there’s no need to panic.
Should I replace my silver filling?
White fillings are much more commonplace than they once were. In days gone by, metal fillings were used extensively. Today, many people prefer white fillings due to their natural aesthetic, and some also express a preference for composite fillings based on safety and environmental impact. If you have silver fillings, it is possible to replace them, but you don’t need to if you don’t want to. There’s no need to panic about the safety of your fillings, or assume that you have no choice but to pay for a new white filling. If your fillings are still in good condition, they can stay in place. If your fillings are worn, or they’ve been there for many years, and you’d prefer to have white fillings, it may make sense to have your old fillings replaced.
If you’re unsure about whether you need a new filling or not, the best thing to do is ask your dentist for advice. Your dentist can have a look at your existing fillings, check the condition, and talk you through your options.
If you’d like to know more or you’re keen to arrange a consultation, why not get in touch with us today? We’ll be happy to answer your questions and offer some advice.