How to Help Wisdom Tooth Growing Pains
The wisdom teeth can be incredibly troublesome for some people. If you have painful wisdom teeth, we are here to help. We provide round-the-clock care for patients in need. If you’re in severe pain, or you have pain that is getting worse, give us a call and we’ll do everything we can to make you feel more comfortable as quickly as possible.
Why are the wisdom teeth so painful?
The wisdom teeth are the final teeth to develop, and sometimes, this means that there is insufficient room for them to grow properly. If the jaw is too crowded, the teeth can’t erupt properly, and this causes the tooth to push against the neighbouring tooth. This is known as impaction. It can be very uncomfortable, and there may also be a risk of infection around the tooth. It’s often hard to reach the teeth right at the back of the mouth, and if you can’t brush your wisdom teeth properly, this increases the risk of infection.
If you have painful wisdom teeth, don’t hesitate to get in touch. When you come in for your appointment, we will have a good look at your teeth, and see how your wisdom teeth are getting on. You don’t need your wisdom teeth, so if they are causing problems, we may recommend removing them.
If you have pain, but you don’t need your wisdom teeth extracting, we can recommend pain relief medication, and also give your teeth a thorough clean to try and reduce the risk of infection.
What happens if I need my wisdom teeth taking out?
If you have an infected or an impacted wisdom tooth, extraction may be the best course of action. If you need your tooth taking out, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands with our experienced dentists. We understand that many patients may feel anxious at the prospect of having a tooth taken out, and we do everything we can to try and make you feel as relaxed as possible. We can offer treatment under sedation for nervous patients.
If your wisdom teeth are making life a misery, call us today and arrange an appointment.