Dental Emergency? We’ve Got You Covered!
We offer emergency dental services to provide you with the care you need around the clock. But if you do experience sudden or severe pain or have an accident that results in cracking, damaging or losing a tooth, there may be some things you can do to help yourself while you wait to see your dentist.
If you lose a tooth
Unfortunately, accidents happen and you could lose a tooth at any time. Many people assume that once a tooth has fallen out, that’s it and they have to live with a gap in their smile. But this doesn’t have to be the case. We may be able to save your tooth. If your tooth has been dislodged, contact the practice to arrange an appointment and keep your tooth in a glass of milk. Do not touch the root section of the tooth, as this can cause irreparable damage. If you are out and about and you don’t have a glass of milk to hand, place the tooth inside your cheek and keep it there until you see your dentist.
If you have broken a tooth
If you have broken your tooth, arrange to come and see us as soon as possible. If you experience swelling in your mouth, apply a cold compress to your cheek after rinsing your mouth with warm water.
If you experience sudden or severe dental pain
Most cases of toothache aren’t urgent, but if you experience very sudden pain or you have pain that gets worse or doesn’t ease with pain relief medication, arrange an emergency appointment. Most cases of toothache are associated with infections, which can usually be prevented by good oral hygiene.
If you bite your tongue
Most of us are familiar with the pain caused by accidentally biting down on your tongue, we’ve all done it! In most cases, the pain eases fairly quickly and there is no need for medical treatment, but if you bite your tongue so aggressively that it bleeds a lot and you can’t stem the flow, see your dentist or a doctor as quickly as possible. Apply a cold compress to your tongue to stop the bleeding and reduce swelling. In extreme cases, where the tongue is severely cut, stitches may be required. Contact the team in London for more information about our emergency dental services.